Besos, Caricias y Abrazos

Un lenguaje sin barreras


a man and woman in formal dress clothes
a man and woman in formal dress clothes
Cómo comencé este proyecto

En un mundo donde las diferencias se desvanecen y el amor se teje con hilos invisibles, las personas comprenden que existe un idioma que todos pueden hablar sin importar género, edad, color de piel o religión. Es un lenguaje que no necesita palabras, un lenguaje que sólo se siente en el corazón y se expresa a través de besos, abrazos y caricias.

Un idioma sin barreras

En este mundo, el poder de un abrazo trasciende fronteras y prejuicios. No importa si eres joven o viejo, si tu cabello es blanco como la nieve o negro como el ébano, porque en cada abrazo las almas se entrelazan y el tiempo se detiene por un momento. Los abrazos son un bálsamo que cura las heridas del alma y devuelve la fe.

En este mundo los besos son gotas que caen sobre los corazones sedientos de amor y cariño. No hay lugar para el rencor ni para el odio, sólo para el afecto genuino que brota de lo más profundo del ser. Los besos son puentes invisibles que conectan a las personas, por muy alejadas que estén, porque en cada beso se sella un pacto eterno de amor.

En este mundo las caricias son susurros silenciosos que acarician el alma. Cada caricia es una melodía que se entrelaza con la piel dejando una huella imborrable de amor. No importa si tu piel es tan clara como la luna o tan oscura como la noche, porque en cada caricia se pinta un lienzo de ternura, hablando de igualdad y aceptación.

En este mundo, el respeto y la empatía son algo común y nadie se siente solo o excluido. Este mundo es nuestro mundo interior que debemos nutrir para ser felices y hacer que los demás sientan felicidad con nosotros.

Nos hemos disuelto como granos de sal en el mar, con el objetivo de ser parte de algo grande, de ser importantes, y olvidamos que cada corazón late al ritmo de un mismo sentimiento, el deseo de amar y ser amados. No olvidemos que todos necesitamos besos, abrazos y caricias, porque en ellos encontramos la esencia misma de la vida.

a man and woman standing next to each other
a man and woman standing next to each other
a man and man standing in a field
a man and man standing in a field
a man and woman in hats and hats
a man and woman in hats and hats
two women standing next to each other in front of a beach
two women standing next to each other in front of a beach
a man and man in underwear
a man and man in underwear
a man and woman in hats and hats
a man and woman in hats and hats
a man and a woman posing for a picture
a man and a woman posing for a picture
a woman and woman kissing in a photo
a woman and woman kissing in a photo
a man and man kissing in a photo
a man and man kissing in a photo
a man and man kissing in front of a blue sky
a man and man kissing in front of a blue sky
two men in suits and ties are kissing in front of a red background
two men in suits and ties are kissing in front of a red background
a man and woman in a field of tall grass
a man and woman in a field of tall grass
two women in masks and costumes with masks on
two women in masks and costumes with masks on
a man and woman kissing in front of a gray background
a man and woman kissing in front of a gray background
two women kissing in front of a mirror
two women kissing in front of a mirror
two men with painted face paint on their faces
two men with painted face paint on their faces

Layla and Levi

Autumn and Riley

Violet and Hunter

Theodore and Zoe

Sofia and Avery

William and James

Owen and Penelope

Mason and Ethan

Josiah and Paisley

Henry and Alexander

Emma and Olivia

Caleb and Addison

Amelia and Harper

Savannah and Dylan

Logan and Matthew

Oliver and Elijah

two men kissing in front of a black and white photo
two men kissing in front of a black and white photo

Grayson and Wyatt

Joseph and Carter

a man and woman kissing in front of a blue sky
a man and woman kissing in front of a blue sky
a man and woman posing for a photo
a man and woman posing for a photo

Brooklyn and luke

Ellie and Isaiah

two men are standing next to each other
two men are standing next to each other
a man and woman in black and white robes
a man and woman in black and white robes
two women kissing in front of a black background
two women kissing in front of a black background
two women kissing in front of a sky
two women kissing in front of a sky

Lillian and Julian

Samuel and David

Victoria and Bella

Alexis and Elizabeth

two men in suits and ties kissing in a city
two men in suits and ties kissing in a city
a woman and woman kissing in front of a dark background
a woman and woman kissing in front of a dark background
a man in a vest and tie dyes a tie
a man in a vest and tie dyes a tie

Benjamin and Lucas

Jackson and Sebastian

Grace and Chloe

a man and woman in a red dress
a man and woman in a red dress
a man and woman kissing in a photo
a man and woman kissing in a photo
a couple of people standing next to each other
a couple of people standing next to each other
a man and man embracing in a bedroom
a man and man embracing in a bedroom

Nora and Jayden

Ryan and Aurora

Stella and Maya

Aiden and Daniel

Liam and Noah

Jack and hannah

Aria and Lily

Gabriel and Leah

Camila and Mateo

Abrey and Zoey

Christopher and Lucy

Evelyn and Abigail

Maverick and Skylar

Isaac and Natalie

Sophia and Mia

Riley and Nicholas

two woman in a white dress and a white hat
two woman in a white dress and a white hat

COLLECTION: Kisses, caresses and hugs

TECHNIQUE: Photography with digital fineart.
MEDIUM: Paper Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth – a white, 100% cotton paper with an ultra-smooth surface texture
FORMAT: 18 x18, and 30x30
SIGNATURE: The signature is on the back of the work next to the numbered piece. The work is registered and is delivered with an official certificate of authenticity
DATE: January 2023
NUMBERED AND LIMITED EDITION: The work has a limited edition of 10 copies in the 30x30 size and 30 copies in the 18x18 size

Ella and Scarlett